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Technisoil 5-Year Contractor Heavy Traffic 1 Ton Bulk Pallet Pothole Patch

Overview of the one ton pallet of 5-Year Pothole Patch
Technisoil 5-Year Bulk Pallet 1 Ton Pothole Patch
List price: $5499
Free Shipping to lower US 48
We'll have it ready to ship between: 

Mar. 10 - Mar. 19

Built on Order
Liftgate service will move the item from the bed of the truck, to the ground ONLY. You must have a way to handle it on the ground. If you have a forklift, you don't need liftgate service which saves you money.
Quick Overview: 
  • Cold applied asphalt pothole patch
  • 3/8" and smaller aggregate stones
  • 2-part quick cure plasti-composite formula
  • Perfect for 1/2" or deeper asphalt potholes
  • 1 Ton bulk contractor pack for large batch jobs


Looking for maximum performance, longevity and quality in a cold pothole patch?

When you need a quick fix product and Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) isn't easy to get, the Technisoil 5-Year Pothole Patch is your best answer to this problem.

On The Pallet

  • 48 Buckets of dry 3/8" and smaller aggregate (43lbs per bucket)
  • 16 Gallons of Technisoil Plasticomposite Binder
  • 8 Bottles of Tack Coat

Designed with runway maintenance in mind, the Technisoil 5-Year Pothole Patch can handle up to 6500PSI of force, making it ideal for quick freeway and highway fixes, runways, or military heavy equipment roads.

Based on the same concept as the Technisoil TrowelPave SpeedSet product, the 5-Year Pothole Patch is also a 2-part plasticomposite binder system that is more enhanced than the TrowelPave, allowing it to cure 5 times faster.

What's in the 2-part system?  Part 1 = Aggregate, Part 2 = Binder.  When the aggregate and binder mix together and the binder is exposed to ambient air temp and ambient moisture, it hardens, creating a much stronger bond than traditional cold patches.

Where you'll want to use this product is with large open potholes with flat walls or cut asphalt.  The 5-Year Pothole Patch has larger stones, up to 3/8" which gives it maximum pressure rating and makes it ideal as a heavy duty road, runway or driveway pothole patch.  If you're looking for a slower cure time and smaller stones for smoothing and shaping the product for a beautiful finish, take a look at the TrowelPave Asphalt SpeedSet line instead.

Where the 5-Year shines over the SpeedSet is the ability to handle heavy loads of traffic with no problem.  Regular cold pothole patch will last you about 3 minutes in the field, no matter how long you compact it...  Hot Mix is usually the answer, but it's not always easy to get or keep warm.  Mix up some 5-Year, throw it in the hole and compact it.  You can open traffic immediately after compaction and it will not only handle traffic, it will last longer than any traditional cold patch on the market.

Tips & Tricks

Allowing Traffic

If you need to open the area back up to traffic immediately after installation, you will want to compact the area with a vibratory plate compactor.  This will handle straight through traffic without causing issues.  If you need to immediately open the area to turning traffic, grab a piece of plywood and spray a non-sticking oil or pam cooking spray (yes, we went there...) on the bottom side of the plywood and place it over the patched area.  Give the area about an hour to fully cure before removing the plywood.

Cold Weather

Make sure you don't store the binder or tack coat where it can freeze.  That said, the product CAN be used down to around 28-30º F without a problem, just make sure it is kept warmer than freezing before mixing.





Aggregate Weight

2064 lbs (43lb x 48 buckets)

Aggregate Size

3/4" and smaller

Recommended Use (1/2" or deeper)

Flat Wall Potholes, asphalt cut-outs

Cure Times

Time to straight traffic (Compacted)


Time to straight traffic (Hand Tamped)

30 minutes

Time to turning traffic (Compacted


Time to turning traffic (Hand Tamped)

1 hr



.36 cu ft per bucket

2" Thick

2.16 sq ft

1" Thick

4.32 sq ft

3/4" Thick

5.76 sq ft

1/2" Thick

8.64 sq ft

1/4" Thick

17.28 sq ft


Binder shelf life unopened

2 years

Binder shelf life opened

6 months

Storage Requirement

Keep from freezing; keep away from direct sunlight


Material and Safey Data Sheets (MSDS/SDS):
Shipping Weight
Weight: 2244 lb
Shipping Dimensions
Dimensions: 40 in × 48 in × 48 in