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BIG A T2 Asphalt Recycler For Portable On Site Asphalt Recycling

image: BIG A T2 Asphalt Recycler overview
image: BIG A T2 Asphalt Recycler dump mode
image: BIG A T2 Asphalt Recycler dumping in front loader
image: BIG A T2 Asphalt Recycler dumping in front loader closeup
image: BIG A T2 Asphalt Recycler mixing
image: BIG A T2 Asphalt Recycler On Site
BIG A Asphalt Recycling Machine
Call For Price 1-800-689-2098
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Quick Overview: 
  • Portable Asphalt Recycler
  • Turns existing asphalt pavement into recycled hot mix
  • Produces around 4 tons per hour


M&M Distributions Asphalt Recycler has completely changed the way asphalt is recycled on the job. This is the only Asphalt Recycling Machine that not only heats asphalt but truly recycles rap into usable asphalt at user, not producer quantities. Asphalt recycling has become a huge market over the past few decades due to poor economic conditions and the skyrocket on oil prices. If you're in the market for an asphalt recycler, you probably already know the cost savings involved with re-using existing pavement for the job. The need for asphalt recycling is massive for municipalities and government entities bombarded with cut-backs and shrinking budgets that can't afford to repave a road or parking lot with fresh hot mix asphalt.

Now, professional contractors and city crews can easily recycle their existing asphalt for a fraction of the cost, all while benefiting the environment with less landfill waste and it gets better... Our BIG A T2 Asphalt Recycling Machine is a trailer mount unit that weighs in at 8,600 lbs, which means you can easily pull it with a heavy-duty pickup truck, and that means you can park it at the job site and recycle your asphalt pavement on the spot.

Up to 2600 lbs of recycled asphalt product can be loaded into heavy gauge bucket wide steel hopper.  After loading, the steel drum begins to rotate using diesel power hydraulics and the Asphalt Recycler begins the process of transforming a previously discarded load of rap into hot usable asphalt in just 20 minutes. After loading the hopper is then hydraulically raised to allow the seven hundred thousand BTU Beckett burner to be placed just inside the reinforced steel hopper.

The process of transforming the recycled asphalt product into hot better than new asphalt is now underway.  Michigan Department of Transportation is producing asphalt at 20 to $25 per ton instead of $80 to $120 for new. By using reclaimed asphalt and used asphalt shingles, the process is not just free but smart. The savings are immediate. Through the use of specially designed steel baffles inside the 450 Burnell hardened steel heating drum, the asphalt is folded over to provide maximum heating and mixing while preventing the product from burning and scorching. At a cost of over $75 per ton for new or $25 per ton for recycled better than new asphalt, the benefits to the environment are only an additional incentive to adopt the process of onsite asphalt recycling.

The addition of asphalt shingles or other sources of asphalt cement like our BIG A Mix Renew brings the AC content back to a premium grade meeting or exceeding department of transportation specifications. The design and engineering of this asphalt recycler is similar to our entire line of asphalt maintenance equipment.  It has been manufactured for quality, long life, and easy maintenance.  The large outer doors on either side of the asphalt recycler make the heating drum, drive chain and hydraulics easily accessible.  There are no complicated foreign parts to make repairs expensive or cause expensive down times. The asphalt recycler allows the user to change the recipe to fit the application and the current weather conditions. A hydraulic lift raises the entire load for easy unloading into a waiting hot box reclaimer or directly to a waiting asphalt application. 

Asphalt Sealcoating Directs Asphalt Recycler takes otherwise discarded waste and turns it into a highly usable working material. It recycles costs effectively in good and bad weather long after the asphalt plants are closed for the season. Even in cold and wet weather conditions, this asphalt recycler has the ability to heat a load of recycled asphalt product every 20 minutes to the desired usable temperature. During the coldest part of the Midwest winter, our asphalt recycling machine will take asphalt product and produce load after load of hot mix asphalt for use on potholes, street patches and water main repairs to road surfaces that would otherwise be left until spring. Our asphalt recycler is at 2 + tons per hour recycling unit from millings pulverized or chunk asphalt.  After years of working with Michigan department of transportation officials, this asphalt recycler has reinvented the process of recycling asphalt into a cost-effective green solution.

The Mixing Drum 1

The BIG A T2 Asphalt Recycler boasts a drum powered by a 28 HP Kubota that can handle chunks up to 12" in diameter and breaks those chunks into smaller millings using seven Brinell hardened steel agitation paddles. Mix new asphalt cement in with the old and fire up the 700,000 BTU heating system to bring the asphalt up to the optimal temperature of 350ºF and maintain that temperature during the mixing phase.

The BIG A T2 asphalt recycling machine can produce a hot asphalt mix load of 2,600 lbs every 15-20 minutes which is around 4 tons per hour. The drum is also constructed of Brinell hardened steel to maximize wear and is rotated by a hydraulically controlled system. Once the load is ready, the BIG A T2 is tilted by hydraulics to either dump at the location or into a front loader bucket.


2 Year Limited / 5 Year Limited
  • 2 Year Limited - The main product comes with a 2 year (24 month) limited warranty from the time of purchase, on parts and workmanship.
  • 5 Year Limited - The trailer frame structure comes with an extended five (5) year warranty

Parts that are not explicitly made by this manufacturer, may come with a different warranty period or policy. See this products respective operations manual for a detailed version of the warranty policy and a full list of items that are covered or may become void due to improper maintenance.


  • Cost Savings: Asphalt for $15-25 a ton compared to $60-75 at the plant or $110 + for cold patch

  • Efficiency: Produces a load of 2,600Lbs. every 15-20 minutes or Approx. 4 tons/hr.

  • Reliability: Recycle millings into plant quality or better mix year round

  • Green Process: No longer do you have to throw out old chunks or millings

  • Versatility: Ability to add as much or as little asphalt cement as you want to completely customize you mix design

  • Profitability: If you are an asphalt producer you now have the ability to keep key customers supplied with HMA year round

  • Time Saving: Skip the long lines and hassle at the asphalt plant by using the T-2 to produce HMA at your shop or on the job site

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23’10”L x 8’W x 7’6”H


8600 lbs

Top Opening

26”L x 94”W


Dual 7,000 lbs. axels, w/ electric brakes on all wheels


8” Channel steel with 2 ½” x ¼” square tubing support members


(2) 2” x 16” hydraulic cylinders

Mixing Drum


3/16” 450 Brinell hardened steel

Agitation Paddles

(7) 3/16” 450 Brinell Hardened steel


Hydraulically controlled, approx. 9 RPM



22 Gallon


9.5 gal./minute


38 cubic inch

Heating System


No. 1 or 2 Diesel, B-5 bio-diesel, or kerosene

Fuel Capacity

80-gallon fuel tank with filter and manual shut off


Beckett Model SDC

BTU Output



28 HP Kubota

Shipping Weight
Weight: 8600 lb
Shipping Dimensions
Dimensions: 286 in × 96 in × 90 in