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ASE You Mount It Thermoplastic Melting Kettle with Agitation

overview image of a single titan falcon thermoplastic melting kettle
SKU: ASE05100000A

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ASE Falcon Thermoplastic Melting Kettle
Call For Price 1-800-689-2098
Free Shipping to lower US 48
Expected to ship between: 

Mar. 20 - Mar. 31

Built on Order
Quick Overview: 
  • Choose between Diesel or Propane
  • Air Jacketed or Oil Jacketed Insulation Options
  • Tanks hold between 600 lb up to 1500 lb of material
  • Fantastic way to setup exactly to your specifications
  • Agitated Tanks Keep Material Constantly Mixed


When it comes to thermoplastic melting kettles, Titan leads the way with their Thermoplastic Melting Kettles designed to be installed anywhere you need it. If you don't want to go with the full trailer setup, or maybe you have a truck you want to convert over to a thermoplastic melting rig, the Titan Falcon melting kettles are a fantastic way to go.

You can purchase a single kettle, two, three, or up to four kettles that can all be interconnected or left as stand-alone units.

Designed specifically to go on trucks, trailers, or skids, you can even mount them in a warehouse and use the kettles as a storage tank to fill up the very popular ASE FastMelt 650 units so you're always ready to put down plastic and never have to wait to melt material before you arrive on the job.  The beauty of these thermoplastic melting kettles is that you get to mount them wherever you want.

There are four main configurations you can choose from when ordering the Titan Falcon Thermoplastic Kettles so we'll do our best to walk you through the different options to make sure you know exactly what you want before you order.

Prices include the Powerpack which is required to run the hydraulic agitation system.

Fuel Type Option

There are two different fuel types to choose from when ordering a Thermoplastic Melting Kettle: Diesel Fired or Propane Fired.

Between the two options of diesel or propane, the choice is really up to you. In some areas, diesel is easier to get ahold of than propane, so it's an easy choice to go with diesel. Maybe it's the opposite in your area. Either way, both fuel types will do the job just fine to make sure your thermoplastic material is melted and maintaining the proper temperature.

We'll note that the diesel option is the popular choice, but your decision should come down to the one that makes the most sense for your situation.  For example, if you plan to use the kettles inside, you might consider the propane option over diesel for better fume control.

Keep in mind that you probably won't want to mix and match fuel types unless you have a specific reason for it.  If you want two or more kettles on the same trailer or skid, you're best bet is to stick with one type of fuel.

Insulating Option

When it comes to the insulating method for your kettle, there are two different options to choose from: Air Jacketed or Oil Jacketed.

Air Jacketed Insulation
An "Air Jacketed" kettle means that air is heated and sent up between an outer wall and inner wall of the kettle.  As the air and surrounding metal is heated, it becomes a conductor of heat to the other parts of the kettle to bring the material up to temperature and keep it at the optimum heating environment.  The main advantage to an air jacketed melting kettle is a slightly faster melting time.  The disadvanage is that they are not as efficient as oil jacketed kettles

Oil Jacketed Insulation
Oil Jacketed kettles are very similar to air jacketed, but the key difference is an actual oil that is sealed between the outer wall and inner wall of the kettle.  Oil Jacketed kettles usually take a little longer to bring the material up to temperature, but they are much more efficient at maintaining temperature within the kettle.  For you, this means less fuel which equals less cost over the long haul.

Tank Sizes

When it comes down to the tank size, you have a decent variety to choose from. Head down to the specifications for a full breakdown of tank sizes for each option to get a better idea of what sizes you can choose from.

Kettle PowerPack

All of the kettles regardless of what you purchase, will require a PowerPack in order to power to the hydraulic agitation system. There are two different types of power packs but each one is designed to fit either the Propane fired or Diesel fired kettles.

One PowerPack is able to handle up to two kettles simultaneously, so if you need 1 or 2 kettles, you only need 1 PowerPack.  If you want 3 or 4 kettles, you will need 2 PowerPacks.

PRICING INCLUDES THE POWERPACK.  No need to wonder if there's an extra cost for the PowerPack.

Propane Kettles
If you go with a propane fired kettle, you'll get a 13 HP Honda engine.

Diesel Kettles
The diesel kettles are fitted with an 11 HP Kubota engine.

Product SKU List

These are the SKU numbers to give if you plan to buy over the phone. To see pricing changes (if any), click on the "drop down" arrow in the Add to Cart section above.



Propane 800 lb
Propane 1200 lb
Propane 1500 lb


Propane 600 lb
Propane 1200 lb
Propane 1500 lb


Diesel 800 lb
Diesel 1000 lb
Diesel 1500 lb


Diesel 600 lb
Diesel 1000 lb
Diesel 1500 lb


Propane Power Pack


Diesel Power Pack



  • Cylindrical shaped to conserve space while providing superior melting performance. They are manufactured with accessible hardware components for ease of preventative maintenance.

  • All kettles are constructed of heavy gauge steel. The agitation shaft is firmly suspended in tank; with variable speed control and reversible action providing optimum agitation.

  • Discharge valve is designed to open and close with no requirement for external heating.

  • Heat is supplied via diesel or propane fuel for maximum efficiency and continuous reliable long life performance. Only quality parts go into each of our Kettles.

  • Kettles can be purchased as standalone units, pairs, triples or quad with optional inter-connections. You may purchase them with or without installation for your truck or trailer

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Tank Sizes (all single tank sizes)

Propane: Air Insulated

Propane: Oil Insulated

Diesel: Air Insulated

Propane: Oil Insulated

800 lbs

600 lbs

800 lbs

600 lbs

1200 lbs

1200 lbs

1000 lbs

1000 lbs

1500 lbs

1500 lbs

1500 lbs

1500 lbs


Shipping Weight
Weight: 800 lb
Shipping Dimensions
Dimensions: 48 in × 52 in × 64 in